South Georgia Career Center was established in 2012. Over the past 10+ years, we have grown in our small community and our services have expanded. We offer courses as simple as Basic Life Support and as complex as Pharmacy Technician training. Individuals like you who may not have a year to complete their studies and would like a faster method of learning to achieve career goals and get on with your life have come to the right place. Our school was designed with you in mind.
The school has trained thousands of students.
Many are now successfully working in their chosen occupations.
South Georgia Career Center’s mission is to offer affordable, quality education to our students. SGCCs administration, faculty, and staff are committed to offering career training of the highest quality and the best value. We focus on the needs of our customers and we plan to give you exceptional service from the instructors, counselors, and staff.

School Objectives
- SGCC was established to provide each student with an in-depth knowledge of their chosen career.
- Proof of students’ mastery of skills must include application and performance directed at meeting professional standards. These standards are measured through certification testing.
- The school strives to build the self-esteem of every student, teach them poise, courtesy and proper conduct in both the classroom and in the clinical setting.
- A primary focus of the educational program must always be to respond to individual needs and provide for attainment of the educational goals of students.
- For the instructional program to be of maximum value, it must be directed toward teaching current, respected practices in the professions concerned. Up-to-date lessons and course materials are necessary components of such teaching/learning programs.
- The methods of instruction utilized must be those which have proven effectiveness in helping students meet educational goals and perform at accepted standards for desired accomplishment.
- Quality educational programs require competent administrative leadership and qualified, experienced faculty in each of the instructional programs.
- Continuous review of the effectiveness of the educational programs and individual student progress must be carried out to determine how well the educational goals of the school and its students are being realized.